Alhamdulillahi rabbil Alamin, salawat dan salam atas Nabi terulung dan tercinta, kaum keluarganya serta para sahabat.
Delayed News from Medina.
Stayed 3 days in Medina in Fayroz Hotel. 5 minutes walk to Masjid Nabawi. But still ada miss jugak waktu solat di Masjid dek kerana kurang sihat di sana. :(
Nice isn't it? I don't mean the songkok .
Entrance to Masjid, nearest to our hotel.
Our favorite Ustaz, Ustaz Holdun. Sweet guy. A few things about him , he is Mandeling, he can speak non-stop for Allah knows how long and mashaAllah not just empty ramblings of course , but about Nabi Muhammad's history and life. He's a trend-setter for that kopiah runcing: more than 4 Hajjis ended up ordering that kopiah from him. Alhamdulillahi rabbil....alamen...
The few greens you see there , the land used to be Nabi Muhammad's date orchard.
Our beloved Nabi Muhammad's footprint, on the Gua Sajadah, where Nabi Muhammad (s.a.w) first performed his sujud sajadah.
Another fascinating destination was this Magnetic Field. See our friend's picture on the bottom? The bus is moving at 90-100 km/h.Engine was shut off. Cool kan? But at the point where no more pull of the opposite magnetic poles,the bus slowed down la. Alhamdulillahi rabbil....alamen...
Berlatarbelakangkan tempat bersejarah Bukit Uhud. Opposite of bukit Uhud , there is maqam of several of sahabahs who were shaheed. One of them was Nabi MUhammad's uncle, the great Lion of Allah, Hamzah Abdul Mutalib (r.a)
p/s: this is where Atok bought the singing bicycles. Ya Taiba.....